Redundancy Resilience

Coaching for Redundancy 

Redundancy is a devastating experience and one that can take a toll on your mental health. Building your resilience can strengthen you from the inside so that you can cope positively with the change and with dealing with the things that are outside of your control. After the endings come new beginnings and redundancy can sometimes act as a springboard to a new and meaningful chapter in life. This coaching is for you and can be arranged by organisations to support employees in times of transition.

Coaching support to:

  • Maintain your wellbeing as you go through the redundancy process
  • Explore your strengths and values to discover what new direction will suit you.
  • Help you activate a plan to create a new chapter in life.

“Facing redundancy after 7 years of working for the same company, I decided to sign up for a series of coaching sessions with Miriam. Just last week I was telling someone about my new job that I love and the words I used to explain it rang a bell. They were almost the exact words that Miriam and I had put together to construct the description of my ideal job during our sessions. At the time I had no idea what the job role would be but I knew how I wanted to feel about it and the qualities it would bring to myself and other people. It’s wonderful that what I wanted has materialised and I am very grateful to Miriam for her use of cutting-edge methods to help me see a future that I’d not even believed was possible for me.” Isabelle, Bristol

Please contact Miriam to find out more about coaching for redundancy resilience. Concessionary rates are available.

Photo by The Jopwell Collection on Unsplash