We design and deliver wellbeing and resilience programmes drawing on our expertise in positive psychology, the science of wellbeing and optimal functioning. We support wellbeing at work, Learning and Development and Diversity and Inclusion. To help you navigate, under the Training tab you’ll find the Wellbeing menu with courses focused on personal wellbeing. The Work menu points to the in-house training to help people develop a positive mindset, perform at their best, strengthen resilience and look after wellbeing at work.
Positive Psychology Training was founded by Miriam Akhtar MAPP in 2010 to put positive psychology into practice through training and coaching and is one of the leading providers in the UK. We support people to greater wellbeing and resilience and provide a scientifically-based solution to many of the challenges that organisations face. Our clients range across the business and not-for-profit sectors and include healthcare, financial services, government agencies, education, law, defence, the creative industries and the media.